Active, Growing & Intelligent People

Thank you for your interest in Active, Growing & Intelligent People, AGIP


About Active, Growing & Intelligent People

Frequency: Annually

Mantra: 'I am Mentally sound, Emotionally Strong, Physically Healthy & Socially Active.'

Active Growing & Intelligent People, AGIP is our outreach children development initiative to primary schools aimed at integrating non-cognitive development areas into school learning for the holistic development of children.

Through AGIP, we inspire children on their self-identity, uniqueness and other thematic areas of development. AGIP mantra reads “I am an Active Growing & Intelligent Person. I am:  Mentally sound, Emotionally Strong, Physically Healthy & Socially Active.”

The Mileage & Impact

The premiere AGIP session held at Aiyetoro Primary School, Akoka Lagos, Nigeria and engaged a total of 60 students within 8-11years

Join us!

Join our mission to raising young people, there’s always a way to be part of the big family