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Forms, Guidelines, Listings and Procedures

Download all the Dogs Australia forms, guidelines, procedures and publications.



Judges Forms

Conformation Judge

The following forms must be completed to contract a Non Resident Conformation Judge [not applicable for New Zealand Judges]:
[NOTE: A completed copy of the current ANKC Ltd Recognised Group Listing must accompany the application form]

Dogs Australia Overseas Judges Application Form (Amended July 2024).  [Note:  This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Dogs Australia Breed Listing - (Updated July 2024).  [Note:  This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Judges Contract [for Conformation and Discipline Judges]:

Dogs Australia Judges Contract - (Updated July 2024) [Note:  This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Discipline Judge [not Conformation]:

The following procedures/forms and are available for downloading:

ANKC Ltd Agility Overseas Judges Approval Criteria - [approval requirements for Non Resident Agility Judges]
Dogs Australia Agility Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Agility Judge's only.  Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

ANKC Ltd Dances with Dogs Approval Requirements for Non Resident Judges (including Trick Dogs)
Dogs Australia Dances with Dogs Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Dances with Dogs Judge's only.  Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

ANKC Ltd Draft Test Overseas Judges Approval Criteria - [approval requirements for Non Resident Draft Test Judges]
Dogs Australia Draft Test Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Draft Test Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

ANKC Ltd Herding Overseas Judges Approval Criteria - [approval requirements for Non Resident Herding Judges]
Dogs Australia Herding Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Herding Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Dogs Australia Lure Coursing Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Lure Coursing Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

ANKC Ltd Retrieving & Field Trial Overseas Judges Approval Criteria - [approval requirements for Non Resident Retrieving & Field Trial Judges]
Dogs Australia Retrieving & Field Trial Overseas Judges Application Form -[Updated July 2024)  [to be completed by Non Resident Retrieving & Field Trial Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Dogs Australia Obedience/Tracking/Track & Search/Endurance/Rally Obedience Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Obedience/Tracking/Track & Search/Endurance/Rally Obedience Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

ANKC Ltd Scent Work Approval Requirements for Non-Resident Judges - (Effective 1 July 2020)
Dogs Australia Scent Work Overseas Judges Application Form - [Updated July 2024] [to be completed by Non Resident Scent Work Judges only. Note: This form is an editable PDF.  Please download, save and open up in Adobe Acrobat.]

Non Resident (Overeas) Judge With an Australian Permanent Resident Visa

The following application form is for Overseas Judges with an Australian Permanent Resident Visa:

ANKC Ltd Application for an Overseas Judge with an Australian Permanent Resident Visa

Please ensure the above application form is accompanied by a completed Dogs Australia Breed listing form - click here to obtain a copy. [Updated July 2024]


The following guidelines are available for downloading:


Dogs Australia Listing of Recognised Working Dog Associations or Kindred Bodies (as referenced in Regulations Part 6 - The Register & Registrations) - June 2023 amendment effective 1 August 2023


The following procedures are available for downloading: